Social Tokens

Social tokens are a new form of currency.

Bitcoin and Blockchain introduced the world to an alternative form of currency, provided digitally by the blockchain.

Social tokens go a step further by introducing cultural capital to the world as a form of currency.

For a definition of social tokens on P00LS, head over to our Tokens on P00LS page.

If you are looking for a broader definition, you can read up on social tokens below.

What Are Social Tokens?


Social tokens are fractionalized shares in the intrinsic value of a personality, a brand and a community.

Social tokens are a form of ownership economy, allowing token holders to have exposure to the growth trajectory of an economy and giving them the potential to shape that economy.

A social token is a tool that measures the value and the influence of a community.

At P00LS, we believe money is not the only currency. There is a currency in connection, relationships, community, culture, time, attention, energy, and identity.

Social tokens capture this value and allows anyone to use these forms of value as currency.


Social Tokens usually come in the form of cryptocurrencies built on top of a blockchain.

Social Tokens built by creators and issued by P00LS are built on the Ethereum Blockchain and are therefore known as ERC-20 tokens.

The blockchain allows everyone to own tokens in their own wallet on the internet and to give or swap them directly with others around the world.